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Georgia Tech



Syllabus Information


Fall 2024
Jan 30, 2025
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
ESL SP41L - Math Communication (38)
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Learning Objectives: 1 Describe mathematical communication and explain reasons the study of mathematical communication is important 2 Analyze the language and communication obstacles that mathematical communication poses for those who communicate about math using English as a second/foreign language 3 Assess own language and communication needs with regard to using English as a second/foreign language for math communication 4 Prepare and follow self-improvement plans for overcoming language and communication obstacles 5 Compare and contrast the needs of different audiences with regard to math communication 6 Choose and use language for math communication that appropriately reflects the needs of different audiences 7 List and explain selected basic principles for mathematical writing and talk 8 Plan and compose examples of mathematical writing and talk that demonstrate the appropriate use of selected basic principles for mathematical writing and talk 9 Evaluate and provide commentary/feedback on own and others’ examples of mathematical writing and talk that reflects a clear understanding of appropriate vs. non-appropriate alignment with selected basic principles for mathematical writing and talk 10 Demonstrate qualities and behaviors that positively contribute to creating a learner-centered learning experience for all participants
Required Materials:
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