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Georgia Tech



Syllabus Information


Fall 2024
Mar 13, 2025
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
ESL YAR1L - ESL: Acad Resrch Write 1 (24)
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Learning Objectives: Identify and explain the organizational structure of sections/sub-sections, paragraphs, and sentences from academic research articles. Identify and explain how flow is accomplished between paragraphs and between sentences. Identify and explain where and how specific common actions are accomplished in academic research articles (e.g., stating the purpose of the study, explaining an equation, describing a figure, etc.). Mimic the organizational pattern of paragraphs and sentences from academic research articles using new content. Use 2-3 strategies for creating flow in their own writing samples. Produce writing that uses the vocabulary and grammatical expression patterns that are common in academic research texts to express new content at the paragraph and sentence level. Produce writing that reflects an understanding of plagiarism and a clear attempt to avoid it. Identify problems with and suggest revisions for organization, flow, vocabulary, and grammatical expression in the written texts of novices.
Required Materials: NA
Technical Requirements: NA

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