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Georgia Tech



Detailed Course Information


Fall 2023
Feb 06, 2025
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Information Click the Schedule Type to find available offerings of the course on the Schedule of Classes.

ECE 2026 - Introduction to Signal Processing
Introduction to discrete-time signal processing and linear systems. Sampling theorem, filtering, frequency response, Discrete Fourier Transform, Z-Transform. Laboratory emphasizes computer-based signal processing. Credit not allowed for both ECE 2026 and ECE 2025.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours
0.000 OR 2.000 Lecture hours
0.000 OR 3.000 Lab hours

Grade Basis: ALP
All Sections for this Course

Sch/Electrical & Computer Engr Department

Course Attributes:

May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels:     
      Graduate Semester
Must be enrolled in one of the following Campuses:     
      Georgia Tech-Atlanta *

(Undergraduate Semester level MATH 1502 Minimum Grade of C or (Undergraduate Semester level MATH 15X2 Minimum Grade of T and (Undergraduate Semester level MATH 1522 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate Semester level MATH 1553 Minimum Grade of C) ) or Undergraduate Semester level MATH 1512 Minimum Grade of C or (Undergraduate Semester level MATH 1552 Minimum Grade of C and (Undergraduate Semester level MATH 1553 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate Semester level MATH 1554 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate Semester level MATH 1564 Minimum Grade of C) ) ) and (Undergraduate Semester level CS 1371 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate Semester level CS 1171 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate Semester level CS 1301 Minimum Grade of C)

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