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Georgia Tech



Transfer Equivalent Courses


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Information Select * to view Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and SAT II information.

The courses in this equivalency table are presumed to be delivered in the traditional way. Currently, on-line versions of lab science courses, psychology, economics and courses equivalent to HIST 2111 and HIST 2112 are not eligible for transfer credit consideration. In most cases mathematics are not eligible for consideration unless sufficient documentation is provided to show the course exams are proctored. If you are interested in taking the on-line versions of mathematics courses that meet this requirement, or have questions regarding this policy, please contact the Registrar's Office for more information.

All transfer credit evaluations are subject to all applicable institute policies and procedures. Please review the transfer credit policy at www.registrar.gatech.edu/students/transfercredit.php and the institute rules and regulations at www.catalog.gatech.edu/rules/1.php.

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Release: 8.2